Who we are
The Friends of Michelham Priory (FOMP) is a Registered Charity (Number 1071377) and was formed in 1964. It is the principal donor to Michelham Priory raising money through membership subscriptions, other fundraising activities, donations and legacies.
The Priory and its extensive grounds are owned and operated by Sussex Past who - amongst other things - care for nine other listed buildings and six scheduled monuments.
FOMP exists to provide dedicated support to the management team at Michelham; all of the money we raise is used to help protect and maintain this beautiful mediaeval building, its amenities, moat and delightful gardens.
Since our inception, we have given over £750,000 to the Priory. From buying new mowers for the garden team to providing new chiller cabinets for the cafe. We installed the children's playground, helped to repair and replace the roof on the main house and provided costumes and equipment for the education team.
We will continue this work long into the future; and with your help, generations to come will be able to enjoy this special place - as we do today.